Redeem code from an executable program?


Viewed 1,008 times


I created a program to present in high school, but due to problems on my hard drive, I lost his code and only have the executable that I created to present it. Unfortunately, I also need the code and I need to know if it is possible to rescue without having to create any program again.

I’m using Visual Studio 2013.

  • I think it’s possible. I hope it helps you. decompile-um-exe?forum=vsvbasicpt

2 answers


If it is something simple it is easy and the best thing is to do it again. If it is something complex you will not get a good result by decompiling the code. In any case the best result is to do it again, take advantage to learn a little more and be more careful next time. Decompilation does not produce a good result so it can be worked properly.

But if you want to insist question that shows some options to view IL code and that also generate code in C#. Some work better than others.

If you happen to be thinking of doing this in third-party code, think twice, you might be committing some illegality.


If you have the DLL or EXE, you can use the free Jet Brains Dotpeek

A colleague needed to use and managed to recreate the code. Just no comments. And it can take more work if you did Obfuscation in your code.

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