Struct defined in file. c auxiliary (with definition of functions and structs) is not recognized in main


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I’m doing a C project, and I have 3 files:

1 . c containing the definitions of functions and structs.

1 . h containing the prototypes of these functions and structs

Ae1 . c containing the main.

No . c with the definitions, I defined the struct:

typedef struct vector {

    int numDePosicoes;
    double vetor[5000];


And in the main method, I try to create an instance of that struct as follows:

int main(int argc,char* argv[]) {

    ESTRUCT vetor;

    //criando separadamente um ponteiro para a struct
    ESTRUCT *ponteiroPraVetor = &vetor;

But gcc accuses error: "error: Unknown type name ESTRUCT'"

Both in the creation of the struct, and in the creation of the pointer for it.

Note: I am using a Makefile to build the program, follows it below:


Roteiro5exe:    mainr5.o    Roteiro5.o

mainr5.o:   mainr5.c    Roteiro5.h

Roteiro5.o: Roteiro5.c  Roteiro5.h

    rm *.o

NOTE: When I put all the code in the same file, and simply compile it, it works. Maybe the problem is in Makefile. Someone can see it?

  • Ah, the contents of the file. h is this: void initializ_vector(struct vector *v1); struct vector vector vector;

  • Includes placed in the two files . c: the definitions and the main: #include <stdlib. h> #include <stdio. h> #include <pthread. h> #include <string. h>

  • But you are doing include of the file where you set the struct?? It seems that...

  • Cristian, in the file. h I did I put the "prototype" of the struct (I don’t even know if I need it). Which is the following: struct vector nameQualquerDeStruct and in the file. c (without the main) I put the complete struct ( typedef struct estructe{ ..... } ESTRUCT, complete with your content. What do you mean by define? Declare the complete struct?

  • Forget it, I’ve seen the answer. Thanks

1 answer


It seems to me that you are confusing statement with definition. Whenever you want to use something, you need to declare it. Declaring means entering something for the system. For example:

extern int a;
typedef struct { int a;} X;
void print();

Defining means giving a body to the statements. You can imagine how to create a memory space where the statements will live. For example:

int a = 1;
X k;
void print() {}

The settings are usually placed in a file. c, while the statements are usually placed in a .h. file, this is necessary because whenever you use a definition, you have to see the statement.

That is why, in your case, the declaration of ESTRUCT is in the wrong place. This is not a definition, it is a statement and it should be seen in all the files where you want to use it. Therefore, you should declare it in a file . h and include that file where the function is main which by the way, is where you make a definition when writing:

ESTRUCT vetor;
  • I get it, but in my file that contains MAIN, what is the syntax to include my . h? Is it the same as the . h of the language? = Ex: #include <stdio. h> I tried this with my . h, but it gave "fatal error".

  • Try #include "arquivo.h"

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