Open Whatsapp in a specific contact through a web link


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I am doing some tests where through a link while being clicked, open the Whatsapp already in a specific contact.

What is the scenario? The customer who enters the site by smartphone will appear an icon and when click on the icon, opens the Whatsapp for the customer already on the screen to talk to us.

After some research I found this example: <a href="intent://send/abid=NUMERO_TELEFONE#Intent;scheme=smsto;package=com.whatsapp;action=android.intent.action.SENDTO;end">LINK</a>

On Android even opens Whatsapp on the screen to chat, but if before there has been a conversation and she is saved.

If there has not been a previous contact, it shows a message saying that "I’m probably trying to send a message to a contact who doesn’t have Whatsapp installed and hints to invite to use".

I mean, it only works if there’s been a conversation before. So I need to know a way to call a specific contact even without having the need for a prior conversation.

I am grateful who can help. Strong hug

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