PHP functions adapted to Mysql


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When trying to optimize some darlings not to depend on PHP to do something that could come ready from the database, I was trying to adapt the two routines below in the form of functions mysql:

function encode( $input, $index ) {

    $base    = strlen( $index );
    $input  += pow( $base, 4 );
    $output  = '';

    for( $i = floor( log( $input, $base ) ); $i >= 0; $i-- ) {

        $bcp     = bcpow( $base, $i );
        $start   = floor( $input / $bcp ) % $base;
        $output .= substr( $index, $start, 1 );
        $input   = $input - ( $start * $bcp );

    return $output;


function decode( $input, $index ) {

    $base   = strlen( $index );
    $output = 0;
    $length = strlen( $input ) - 1;

    for( $i = 0; $i <= $length; $i++ ) {

        $bcpow   =  bcpow( $base, $length - $i );

        $output += strpos( $index, substr( $input, $i, 1 ) ) * $bcpow;

    $output -= pow( $base, 4 );

    $output = sprintf( '%F', $output );
    $output = substr( $output, 0, strpos( $output, '.' ) );

    return (int) $output;

Are functions that encode a integer in a string and vice versa, a Alphaid, almost like the one on Youtube.

As until the present time I had never created a Function from Mysql, I read the manual (which is not exactly user friendly) and arrived, at least as to Function coding, therein:





    DECLARE output CHAR( 6 );

    DECLARE letters CHAR( 62 );
    DECLARE base TINYINT( 2 );

    DECLARE iterator TINYINT( 2 );
    DECLARE bcp CHAR( 9 );
    DECLARE start TINYINT( 2 );

    SET output   = '';

    SET letters  = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';

    SET base     = CHAR_LENGTH( letters );
    SET input    = input + POW( base, 4 );

    SET iterator = FLOOR( LOG( base, input ) );


        SET bcp      = POW( base, iterator );
        SET start    = FLOOR( input / bcp ) % base + 1;

        SET output   = CONCAT( output, SUBSTR( letters, start, 1 ) );

        SET input    = input - ( start * bcp );

        SET iterator = iterator-1;

        IF iterator < 0 THEN LEAVE ENCODING; END IF;


    RETURN output;

END $$


The routine was successfully created but has some problems:

  1. The original PHP routine codes correctly to the maximum possible value, described by the constant PHP_INT_MAX (2147483647), but the encoding for Mysql does not. At some point, which I could not fully debug, the encoding apparently stops, and the darlings do not return data.
  2. As far as coding works, it always acts "one forward". For example, codify the whole 2, instead of returning to the expected baaac is returning baaad

As for the decoding function:





    DECLARE output INT( 10 );

    DECLARE letters CHAR( 62 );
    DECLARE base TINYINT( 1 );
    DECLARE length TINYINT( 1 );

    DECLARE iterator TINYINT( 1 );
    DECLARE bcp CHAR( 9 );
    DECLARE dot CHAR( 1 );

    SET output   = 0;

    SET letters  = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';

    SET base     = CHAR_LENGTH( letters );
    SET length   = CHAR_LENGTH( input ) - 1;

    SET iterator = 0;
    SET dot = '.';


        SET bcp      = POW( base, length - iterator );

        SET output   = output + LOCATE( SUBSTR( input, iterator, 1 ), letters ) * bcp;

        SET iterator = iterator+1;

        IF iterator <= length THEN LEAVE ENCODING; END IF;


    SET output = ( output - POW( base, 4 ) ) + 0.0;

    SET output = SUBSTR( output, 0, LOCATE( dot, output ) );

    RETURN output;

END $$


It doesn’t even decode and, I believe, it’s by the way that the original author of the functions in PHP operated the results, formatting the mathematical calculus to float, operating as string and converting back to integer I lacked the knowledge to adapt correctly.

  • Even if the real need of the project is to have a unique textual representation of the registry ID, doing directly by Mysql I can avail myself of larger types, such as BIGINT, and have 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 combinations, one for each record.

  • The characters were missing: ~!@$*()-_+=|,., that wouldn’t be the problem?

  • Wouldn’t it be better to use the own Mysql method for that? Or that.

  • I didn’t know there were native functions for this. I could then, in this case, do ENCRYPT( \c`. `Cid`, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' ), porque está retornando NULL`. And using AES_ENCRYPT, since the other is deprecated I can’t see what returns because it appears Binary in the GUI I use

  • @Brunoaugusto Base64 is not good for what you want (you have Mysql 5.6 on)? Or is it compatible with something already existing?

  • No, it is not to maintain compatibility with anything, it is only a feature of the project in which a certain thing, well already structure, which multiple users can have multiple "copies", must have a textual representation (letters and numbers only). Most plausible to me by the time I decided to carry out these duties, was a Alphaid under the primary key

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1 answer


To record you can do the following:

INSERT INTO tabela (id, content)
VALUES (1, AES_ENCRYPT('seu conteúdo aqui', 'senha123_hash'));

And then recover like this:

SELECT CAST(AES_DECRYPT(content, 'senha123_hash') as CHAR) AS content_decrypted,
       content as content_encrypt
FROM tabela WHERE id=1;

In this case, you need to generate a password alpha_id you save both the encrypted content and the encrypted password in this format, and then in the query you use the hash alpha_id to search the content, example:

INSERT INTO tabela (id_tst, content, alpha_id)
VALUES (6, AES_ENCRYPT('seu conteúdo aqui', SHA2(MD5('senha123_hash'),512)),SHA2(MD5('senha123_hash'),512));

SELECT CAST(AES_DECRYPT(content, SHA2(MD5('senha123_hash'),512)  ) as CHAR) AS content_decrypted,
       content as content_encrypt,
FROM tabela WHERE alpha_id='ea921eccc6b836f894710943da3b5a9ff546cb775e4d7c9e00a892d313165967e8a7eb2ebe105c8f1a0fcc74e47a77a2e901c8b450baa8de5f4a5a13b83c4415';

Or with 256:

 INSERT INTO tabela (id_tst, content, alpha_id)
 VALUES (6, AES_ENCRYPT('seu conteúdo aqui', SHA2(MD5('senha123_hash'),256)),SHA2(MD5('senha123_hash'),256));

 SELECT CAST(AES_DECRYPT(content, SHA2(MD5('senha123_hash'),256)  ) as CHAR) AS content_decrypted,
        content as content_encrypt,
 FROM tabela WHERE alpha_id='069b8392f647410845de6b9d796b6c2e0a628194682bb2c3e5ec8b978e5787c9';

If you don’t make a point of encrypting your content in the database, you can also generate an alpha_id, just by converting the output to the hash:

SELECT content, CONCAT(CAST(content as CHAR), SHA2(id, 256)) AS alpha_id
FROM tabela WHERE id=1
  • But in this case I would be decoding before displaying and the intention solvable by the "technique" of Alphaid is just to show codified in a sequence of only letters and numbers

  • You can encode by a type of hash you want numeric alpha .

  • I tried SHA1() and all the SHA2() combinations but because they were more for encryption the length got a little long and displaying it would be complicated. With Alphaid, even a large number as a 32bit integer gets quite small

  • MD5 is 32, but you can break this string in the bank, just limit the varchar(size)

  • Because in the end, all you care about is having the right alpha_id ID, which brings a secret content. and in place of the password, you put the same content, or the registration ID + some secret words.

  • Except that breaking a hash considerably increases the risk of collision

  • break and concatenate with id. Never again will there be collision.

  • example: 6c2e0a628194682bb2c3e5ec8b978e5787c92. 2 being the id

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