Create New Method in Rails


Viewed 581 times


How do I create a method in Rails that queries the database in a given table and shows in View, and how I do to call this method and where to create?

def somar    
  @value = Registro.sum('saldo')

How do I call this method in view and put into a label ?

  • Sorry, but there are numerous ways to get this result, can you be more specific editing and reformulating your question so we can answer in a specific way? Adding your main difficulty in the issue also helps. Hugs.

2 answers


Good I will consider that you already have Rails properly installed and configured on your machine.

It is unclear whether your method is really a method of Model or a action (a method of Controller), but I think it’s a action, because you are calling a method that is probably a method of a Model. Good considering these correct assumptions we can perform the following steps to make it work.

We created our Controller and our action (we will use generator to expedite the procedure)

Rails g controller operations sum

That will beget our controller in app/controllers/operacoes_controler.rb

class OperacoesController < ApplicationController
  def somar

And it will generate our view on app/views/operacoes/somar.html.erb

<p>Find me in app/views/operacoes/somar.html.erb</p>

Okay now we’re almost there, I don’t know your model Registro, nor what you wish to add, I will consider that he has a field saldo and you want to add up the value of each saldo in all the records.

*** For test I managed the model Registro, but you probably won’t need to take this step, I’ll put it here to demonstrate how I performed the procedure.

Rails g model record balance:integer

*** In the console I created 3 records to test the logic, which you probably won’t need to do either.

2.3.1 :001 > Registro.create(saldo: 1)
 => #<Registro id: 1, saldo: 1, created_at: "2016-07-14 23:56:46", updated_at: "2016-07-14 23:56:46"> 

2.3.1 :002 > Registro.create(saldo: 2)
 => #<Registro id: 2, saldo: 2, created_at: "2016-07-14 23:56:50", updated_at: "2016-07-14 23:56:50"> 

2.3.1 :003 > Registro.create(saldo: 3)
 => #<Registro id: 3, saldo: 3, created_at: "2016-07-14 23:56:53", updated_at: "2016-07-14 23:56:53"> 

Resolution of the question

Place the value assignment on action of OperacoesController

class OperacoesController < ApplicationController
  def somar
    @valor = Registro.sum('saldo')

And put the @valor amid tags erb <%= @valor =%> in your View (app/views/operacoes/somar.html.erb). Example:

<h1>A soma dos saldos de todos os registros é <%= @valor %>  </h1>

Access: http://localhost:3000/operacoes/somar

And the result will be something like this:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

EDIT: Case wanted to re-use this method in several Views one can use a Helper as Rafael quoted. That is, remove from the OperacoesController and add to ApplicationHelper, ex:

# /app/helpers/application_helper.rb
module ApplicationHelper
  def saldo_total

in your View would look like this

 <h1>A soma dos saldos de todos os registros é <%= saldo_total %>  </h1>
  • Thank you very much to the 2 who contributed, especially to Luiz , was excellent your explanation, I managed to solve my problem.... I thank Rafael and as I already did with the help of Luis, next time I will try to be clearer...

  • @Juliano if the answer was satisfactory, mark as accepted. Good studies.

  • 1

    picking up the hook, I created as you explained and it worked, but if I want to call this method in any other view, example put the result of this method inside a label in the index class, as I could call this method ...tried ... Inside the index view and not ... <> Bank balance and <%=@balance %> </H3> controller created for the calculation... class Operationscontroller < Applicationcontroller def consult_balance @balance = Record.Where(:date =>,06,1) .. Date.Today). sum('balance') end end

  • @Juliano in this case you will need to define your methods inside the helpers that are located in the folder app/helpers (will notice that there is a helper for the general application, and a helper for each controller). Can I point you to a book I read recently and guided me from scratch to the intermediary on Ruby on Rails? follows the link.

  • much to see the book and thanks for the tip.... helped me a lot!

  • @Juliano edited the question answering your question. Again encourage users who help you by voting on your questions and accepting as an answer. Please read: and are welcome to the community.

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In this case you will need to define your method in a helper. Helpers are classes with auxiliary methods available in views and also in controllers (through #helpers), as shown in table 1.

module ApplicationHelper
    def identity(user)
        return "#{} - #{}"

Table 1. Code with an auxiliary example method.

No one will explain better than their own helper session in the official Ruby on Rails documentation, follow the link, recommend a complete reading (even if English, reading is easy).

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