How to generate new code from DBO


Viewed 149 times


I have a table with the name Produtos in which I inserted 3 products for testing. Now I’m assembling the product registration form and I need to always generate a sequential product code from the last id already registered + 1.

The code I made is this, I followed my logic but n is working.

    private void GerarNovoCodigo()
        string strCon = "Data Source=MEUPC; Initial Catalog=MEUDB; Integrated Security=SSPI";
        SqlConnection sqlCon = new SqlConnection(strCon);
        SqlCommand sqlCom = new SqlCommand();
        sqlCom.Connection = sqlCon;

        sqlCom.CommandText = "Select max(prod_codigo) + 1  from Produtos";

        txt_prod_cod.Text = Convert.ToString(sqlCom.ExecuteNonQuery());
  • Except for the fact that this is a danger in a concurrent environment and that probably there should be a lot of code repeated in the application, for described I could not see problem. Need to add more details.

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  • Apparently, the code performs correctly, which is the problem faced?

  • @bigown How would Voce always generate a new code in a simple way? It is a basic application for now, of registration, consultation and movement of various products. There is repeated code in the application, but for now I want to make the basics to dry later, since I am in the learning phase still. Thank you for the reply.

  • @Julioborges The textbox is not receiving the new code. When running the application it loads blank.

  • @Leonardocoelho appears in white or always appears 1?

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3 answers


The specific problem is that the method used returns the number of affected lines and not the generated code. The right one is to use the ExecuteScalar().

In cases where there is concurrent access (almost always has) picking up a code like this is problematic. You have to have the data recorded and then generate a new code, otherwise you have a running condition.

Also it seems that the application has enough repeated code. It is not a good idea to dry afterwards, but that’s up to you.


I elaborated this answer only to encompass and try to remedy all the doubts I found in the question about SQL, including.

Let’s talk about SQL first...

What you want the database itself already does. For this, just mark the field of Key as Auto Increment (Identity). Once done, you don’t need to enter the code in INSERT, that the bank makes everything automatic for you.

An example would be:

 Id int IDENTITY(1,1),  
 Nome varchar (100) 

INSERT INTO Produtos VALUES ('Produto1')
INSERT INTO Produtos VALUES ('Produto2')

Once done, the database will save the data as:

Id  | Nome
1   | Produto1
2   | Produto2

If you want to know what the next code will be, you can use the abaix code:

SELECT isnull(IDENT_CURRENT('Produtos') + IDENT_INCR('Produtos'),1)

This code will fetch the last id IDENT_CURRENT() and add to the incremental value, with the IDENT_INCR().

In your example you are increasing over 1, but if it were 2, 3, etc... The IDENT_INCR() gets that value from Key automatically.

Problem solving...

As already pointed out in the other answers, just change the Executenonquery() for Executescalar() that will solve your problem.

If you want to understand a little more the difference between the methods, this link explains a little about them.

  • Very good guy! I will use Identity, since it seems to be more correct and safe, right?

  • @Leonardocoelho This is the correct way to do this, both databases other than SQL Server have this function. There are several questions about this on the site, just see this link


The method you are using to run SQL (ExecuteNonQuery()) is a method used to Inserts and updates and its return is the amount of affected lines as described in documentation.

Use the method ExecuteScalar(), that the same will return what you wish.

It should stay this way:

txt_prod_cod.Text = Convert.ToString(sqlCom.ExecuteScalar());

Documentation of ExecuteScalar().

This can solve your problem, more as suggested by Maniero this is not a good practice, and you should probably be repeating a lot of code in your application, it would be good as soon as possible to re-evaluate the way of work and check for improvements.

  • What would be good practice for generating sequential codes? The repeated code in the application is only in the Connection part with the Bank, I will reevaluate yes, thank you! I am practicing POO and C#.

  • 1

    In my case, most of the time I use the auto increment of SQL Server itself, creating the key field with auto increment, in this way, SQL itself manages this creation of indexes. If it is not possible to work with auto increment, you can start the application without the code and when the user performs the recording, the moment he writes, you search for the new code. After saving reload this new code on the screen.

  • @Leonardocoelho, Since you are practicing POO and C#, it would be good to also take a look at a ORM framework like Entityframework (

  • Thank you Julio, I will search on this auto increment, SQL Server from 2012 does it right? I am using it! I will study about Entity framework too, thankful! @Julioborges

  • @Leonardocoelho has always supported... see example:

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