Error reading Like with Timestampdiff


Viewed 42 times


Good People Visual Studio can not read the column Days to make a search with like and is a mistake! I believe he reads the code at once and does not find Dias created with TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, Data_de_hoje, Data_do_compromise).
How could I organize the above code for it to do some research and show the result without giving error?

"SELECT ID, Nome_do_cliente, Data_do_compromisso, Data_de_hoje,
  Data_do_cadastro, Data_de_hoje, TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, Data_de_hoje, 
  Data_do_compromisso) AS Dias FROM agenda WHERE CONCAT(`Nome_do_cliente`, 
 `Data_do_compromisso`, `Data_de_hoje`, `Dias`)LIKE '%" + valorpesreb + "%'";

Error message:

Data reading error! Unknown Column 'Dias' in Where Clause

1 answer


You can only use column nicknames on GROUP BY, ORDER BY or HAVING.

The SQL standard does not allow you to refer to a column alias in a clause WHERE. This restriction is imposed because when the code WHERE is executed, column value may not yet be determined.


Therefore, to solve your problems we will have to duplicate the line of timestampdiff in the where, because we cannot use Alias. Doing the following:

      ,timestampdiff(DAY, data_de_hoje, data_do_compromisso) dias

  FROM agenda
 WHERE CONCAT(nome_do_cliente
             ,timestampdiff(DAY, data_de_hoje, data_do_compromisso)) LIKE
              '%" + valorpesreb + "%';

I performed the test on Sqlfindle.

  • @Rafael, that way doesn’t solve your problem?

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