How to make an insert in mysql with data coming from a Simpledataset


Viewed 75 times


I have a Simpledataset with data from a Firebird local.

I have to make one Insert in the Mysql.

How should I do it?

Other Sqlconnect and another Simpledataset?

How to do the Insert with data from that other Simpledataset(Firebird).

1 answer


I don’t know how this component works, but overall you make a loop in the DataSet making insert of every one of his items!

It works like an importer!


while not NomeDataSet.Eof do
  //aqui seu Código SQL para efetuar o Insert

And yes, you’ll need the two connections!

There where commented you perform the query who had effected the insert in the 2nd Sqlconnect (Mysql connection).

  • But the Insert I put in sql command. I would like to pass the data from one to the other. How can I do this?

  • I made an edit while your comment was inserted, take a look!

  • Something like that? 'insert interditado values ( (SELECT as id_usuario FROM serventia s, usuarios u
 where u.serventia_id = as USUARIO_ID , SimpleDataSetNOME_PAI , SimpleDataSetMAE,
 sysdate(), SimpleDataSetCPFCNPJ );'

  • Exactly, the command is up to you.

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