calculating days between php dates


Viewed 19,261 times


Guys I’m trying to check the difference in days, based on 2 dates.

Well my code is like this:

$data_inicio = new DateTime("2016-07-10");
$data_fim = new DateTime("2016-07-13");

// Resgata diferença entre as datas
$dateInterval = $data_inicio->diff($data_fim);
$dias = $dateInterval->d + ($dateInterval->y * 12);

echo $dias;

Good if I inform the following values:

$data_inicio = new DateTime("2016-07-10");
$data_fim = new DateTime("2016-07-13");

My return and 3, so far so good. But when I put:

$data_inicio = new DateTime("2016-07-10");
$data_fim = new DateTime("2017-08-13");

My return continues to be 3, ie the system ignored the months and years. Someone knows how to solve this?

2 answers


You can do it like this:

    $data_inicio = new DateTime("2016-07-10");
    $data_fim = new DateTime("2017-07-10");

    // Resgata diferença entre as datas
    $dateInterval = $data_inicio->diff($data_fim);
    echo $dateInterval->days;


There’s a difference between d and days you can see the specifications here

  • Thanks @Ricardo Mota, simple and direct, helped me a lot, thanks.

  • Boy, you saved my day, thanks @Ricardo Mota


You can use this function:

echo $diff->format("%a");

//Saída: 399 
  • very good, that’s right. And much simpler. But I need the output to be numerical only. How do I change this?

  • 2

    echo $diff->format("%a");

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