Radio button in gridview


Viewed 701 times


Good morning, everyone.

I need to create an online form that will have questions that will be inserted daily in each user’s profile. All questions are stored in a database along with their alternatives and correct answer.

Until then I can put everything right I bring the questions and mount the gridview with the radios button. However when saving the answers I need to pick the options dd Cad grid line and get which radio is selected.

Follow the form code:

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:GridView ID="gridQuestoes" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false">
        <asp:BoundField DataField ="questao" HeaderText="questao" />
        <asp:BoundField DataField ="Prioridade" HeaderText="Prioridade" />
                <asp:RadioButton ID="rbtSim" runat="server" Text="Sim" GroupName="users"/>
                <asp:RadioButton ID="rbtNao" runat="server" Text="Não" GroupName="users"/>
    <asp:Button ID="btnGravar" runat="server" Text="GRAVAR" OnClick="btnGravar_Click" />

Code used to fill in Gridview

BancoDeDados bd = new BancoDeDados();
        List<Modelos.Questoes> lista = bd.listarQuestoes(1);
        List<Quest1> listarQuest = new List<Quest1>();

        foreach (Modelos.Questoes questoes in lista)
            if (questoes.tipo == 1)
                listarQuest.Add(new Quest1()
                    questao = questoes.questao,
                    prioridade = questoes.prioridade
        gridQuestoes.DataSource = listarQuest;

In some researches I made this code to check but it is not working

foreach (GridViewRow row in gridQuestoes.Rows)
            BancoDeDados bd = new BancoDeDados();
            RadioButton rb1 = row.FindControl("rbtSim") as RadioButton;
            RadioButton rb2 = row.FindControl("rbtNao") as RadioButton;
            if (rb1.Checked == true)
            else if (rb2.Checked == true)
  • @bigown has some idea of another way that can be done or if this wrong this code?

  • I won’t touch it, but someone will come to help you soon.

  • I think it needs to be inserted into your gridview Onrowdatabound, so you can manipulate what’s inside it... Here is a guide explaining its function aspx

1 answer


Good morning.

I managed to solve my problem this way I don’t know if it is the best way but it works if someone wants to use or has another way

I added an action for each time one of the buttons is activated.

                <asp:RadioButton ID="rbtSim" runat="server" Text="Sim" GroupName="users" OnCheckedChanged="rbtSim_CheckedChanged" AutoPostBack="true"/>
                <asp:RadioButton ID="rbtNao" runat="server" Text="Não" GroupName="users" OnCheckedChanged="rbtNao_CheckedChanged" AutoPostBack="true"/>

and in the actions I used this function

 protected void rbtSim_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        RadioButton rbSim = (RadioButton)sender;
        GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)rbSim.Parent.Parent;

        foreach (Quest1 q in listarQuest)
            if (row.RowIndex ==
                q.resp = "Sim";

I hope I can help someone and if someone has a different method of resolution.


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