Problem with HTML document validation


Viewed 70 times


When validating my HTML document this giving the following problem

Section Lacks Heading. Consider using H2-H6 Elements

But I don’t need it, it’s really unnecessary for the purpose of my site (titles only in articles, blog style). Can I ignore this or can it hurt me? Being forced to hide this title in CSS?

Example of my code

       <h1></h1> --
             <h2></h2> --

1 answer


If you want to conform to this pattern you need to put a header, as it was done.

And of course you can ignore alerts as you wish. I see no problem if it is your wish. It’s not an obligation, it’s not an official mistake, it’s just a recommendation.

If you still want to conform to the standard and not have this warning consider changing the <section> by a <div>, for example. A section requires a header, a division does not require. It is your decision which is most suitable.


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