Problems with special characters Html5 bootstrap


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I’m having problems with my html, the page does not recognize the special characters.

  <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html >

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

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            <div id="divModals"></div>



  • 1

    what special characters you are trying to put on?

  • @ Leonardoasunción On this page only the word Information and those that contain accent, but on the other pages all present the same problem.

  • Documents must be saved as ANSI but this using UTF8, which causes characters like , read this response and see the part about sublimetext and Notepad++:

  • I am using netbeans and other projects does not have the same problem. I even checked and were similar to the one that had problems.

  • @Eduardokrakhecke save text as UTF-8 and try again.

  • 1

    @Eduardokrakhecke added the example of how to set up the Netbeans IDE in the answer, but need to save all html documents again

  • I was using notepad and I read here about saving ANSI and really was in ANSI, then I replaced it with Utf-8, at the time that saves there is this option in the notepad Field encoding next to save. And it worked, the accents are displayed normally. Vlwww

  • Do not add "thank you" as an answer. When reputation points sufficient, you will be able vote in favour of questions and answers which it considers useful. - Of Revision

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3 answers


The problem will not be solved by removing the metatags or exchanging accents for entities like &ccedil;, in the latter case it is only a way to bypass, but not to solve.

The problem is how the files were saved, probably they were saved as ANSI (or iso-8859-1/windows-1252), to solve the problem use programs like Sublimetext or Notepad++.

Common problems of codification

It is very common when we are working with accents to come across strange characters such as:

  • Something similar to é representing the é, this is because the character is Unicode, but the page is in iso-8859-1 (or other compatible).
  • And the sign an example of a situation is when you use an iso-8859-1 compliant accents on a page that is trying to process UTF-8 due to the Content-Type: ...; charset=utf8.

How to correct

You must save all documents as utf-8 without "GOOD", you can use software such as Sublimetext or Notepad++ to convert the files:

  • Using Notepad++:

    utf8 sem bom notepad++

  • Using Sublime Text:

    utf8 sublime text

  • Netbeans go Window > Preferences > General > Workspace > Text File Encoding:

    utf8 netbeans


  • Intellij IDEA go to File > Settings... (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S in Windows) and in the selected project make the following selections pro enconding desired (in case the .prorperties I put as utf8 too, but it is optional):


  • I’m using Jetbrain’s Intellij... to fix this?

  • @Thiagocunha updated response


Buddy, take the two lines:

meta charset="utf-8"

meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"

and test again

  • the problem persists even by removing the lines

  • There is an incorrect spacing in your first html tag, remove it

  • <!DOCTYPE html> <html > <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-Scale=1"> <head> <title>Verdeé</title> </head> <body> <p>éAAAAE</p> </body>

  • The idea is good, but instead of taking it would be good to change the utf-8 to iso-8859-1 as a test.


Try entities.


To write Song, you would write Can&ccedil;&atilde;o where

  • &ccedil; = ç
  • &atilde; = ã (point and comma are part of the code)

Follows a link of an example table

  • although it works there are many words to be modified.

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