Gulp Watch, SASS no amendment


Viewed 423 times


My gulp:

var gulp      = require('gulp'),
	sass        = require('gulp-ruby-sass'),
	imagemin    = require('gulp-imagemin'),
	changed     = require('gulp-changed'),
	browserSync = require('browser-sync'),
    livereload = require('gulp-livereload');

gulp.task('sass', function () {
    .pipe(sass({compass: false}))
    .on('error', function (err) { console.log(err.message); })

gulp.task('jpg', function() {
			progressive: true

gulp.task('browser-sync', function() {
    browserSync.init(['./dist/css/**', './views/**'], {
        server: {
            baseDir: './',
            index: './views/index.html'

gulp.task('watch', ['sass', 'browser-sync'], function () { 
    livereload.listen();'./assets/sass/**/*.scss', ['sass']);

When I run, everything works, but SASS does not detect changes. Index.html works fine.

What could be wrong?

1 answer


The problem is in the module Gulp-ruby-Sass which is in my humble outmoded opinion. I advise you to do the following (I promise it won’t hurt):

  • Turn the command npm uninstall --save | --save-dev gulp-ruby-sass, the pipe was just to split the parameters, you should choose only one, it will depend on where you installed the dependency, whether it went inside dependencies: {} so it is --save or whether it was within devDependencies: {} so it is --save-dev. For more information visit

  • Then install the module npm install --save-dev gulp-sass, this module is a more updated version of Gulp-ruby-Sass with some improvements (including performance).

  • Finally, go to the gulpfile.js and replace the parameter of require() of Gulp-ruby-Sass for Gulp-Sass and run the task again.


I also advise you to use the extension **/*.(js|css|jpg|etc) as using the marker ** you can rotate the tasks in a recursive way, i.e., task will be run inside the subdirectories of the specified directory.

Such as the task gulp sass definite gulp.task('./assets/sass/*.scss') will run only for files .scss inside ./assets/sass/, but if you program the task to run recursively, it will have access to subdirectories within ./assets/sass/, staying that way gulp.task('./assets/sass/**/*.scss'), simple thing?

  • Thanks for the tip!

  • If the answer was helpful to you, I’d be happy if you could mark it as the right one.

  • Marked :) and that’s what I did, it spun perfectly.

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