How to configure the ui-Mask clearOnBlur in an inline way?


Viewed 375 times


Is there any way to configure the clearOnBlur of ui-Mask inline?

According to the documentation, one of the ways to settar settings of ui-Mask is for Config Provider (or something like that), as in the example below:

app.config(['uiMask.ConfigProvider', function(uiMaskConfigProvider) {

Example taken from:

Following the suggested logic for setting up the Placeholder Char, which is something like :

<input type="text" (...) ui-mask-placeholder-char="_"/>

It occurred to me to use it this way:

<input type="text" (...) ui-mask-clear-on-blur="false"/>

... but, as you can imagine, it doesn’t work.

Noting in other forums, in the gringo OS, was suggested something interestingly plausible:

<input type="text" (...) ui-options="{clearOnBlur: false}"/>

Example taken from:

... but it didn’t work either.

I believe there are other ways to set up via Directives or even Filters, but there is some way inline?

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