How to change the "code" content of a javascript section


Viewed 227 times


Hi, I need to change the content (code) of a javascript section with the function . click or onClick but the content can’t go on for the other Section! Thanks

1 answer


If I understand what you want, I think this is it:

var btn = document.getElementById('btn-sect1');
var sect1 = document.getElementById('sect1');
btn = btn.addEventListener('click', function() {
  sect1.innerHTML = '<h1>Agora já não é o original</h1><p>Está aqui outro codigo html</p>'
<section id="sect1">
  <h1>Aqui está o codigo original da sect1</h1>
<section id="sect2">
  <h1>Aqui está o codigo original da sect2</h1>
<button id="btn-sect1">Mudar HTML da sect1</button>

  • In case you could add more than one tag!

  • @user50404 More than one tag? As well, more than one HTML tag inside the Section where we want to change the HTML?

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