Now reinstating my post more clearly (this is a continuation of my previous question). In the code, I try to create a binary search tree and insert elements into it. They must be saved in .txt. file. As soon as the executor says that . exe has stopped working. When I comment the insert method in main, it runs good. When debugging it accuses Segmentation fault in p->id = 1
. I can’t fix it. Follow my code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX_NOME 50
typedef struct politico{
int id;
char* nome;
char* apelido;
//Partido* partido;
char* cargo;
float valorPropinaMensal;
int quantidadeVezes;
struct politico* esq;
struct politico* dir;
Politico* criarP(int id, char* nomeCompleto, char* apelido, char* cargo, float valor, int qtdDeVezes) {
Politico* politico = (Politico*)malloc(sizeof(politico));
politico->id = id;
politico->nome = malloc(MAX_NOME * sizeof(char));
strcpy(politico->nome, nomeCompleto);
politico->apelido = malloc(MAX_NOME * sizeof(char));
strcpy(politico->apelido, apelido);
politico->cargo = malloc(MAX_NOME * sizeof(char));
strcpy(politico->cargo, cargo);
//no->partido = malloc(MAX_NOME * sizeof(char));
//strcpy(no->partido, partido);
politico->valorPropinaMensal = valor;
politico->quantidadeVezes = qtdDeVezes;
politico->esq = NULL;
politico->dir = NULL;
return politico;
Politico* inserirPoliticos(Politico* raiz, int id, char* nome, char* apelido, char* cargo, float valor, int qtdDeVezes){
Politico* novo = criarP(id , nome, apelido, cargo, valor, qtdDeVezes);
if(raiz == NULL) return novo;
Politico* no = raiz;
Politico* pai = NULL;
while(no != NULL){
pai = no;
if(novo->id < no->id) no = no->esq;
else no = no->dir;
if(pai->id > novo->id) pai->esq = novo;
else pai->dir = novo;
return raiz;
int main(){
Politico* p = NULL;
FILE* pEscrita = fopen("politicos.txt","w");
p->id = 1;
p->quantidadeVezes= 2;
p = inserirPoliticos(p, p->id, p->nome, p->apelido, p->cargo, p->valorPropinaMensal, p->quantidadeVezes);
fprintf(pEscrita,"%d;%s;%s;%s;%.2f;%d", p->id, p->nome, p->apelido, p->cargo, p->valorPropinaMensal, p->quantidadeVezes);
return 0;
When you do that, you isolate the problem. Remove this method and comment on a part of it that thinks that is where the error occurred, if it goes there, will surround the error, if it is not going to change of place where to comment. Of course, you have to have the slightest sense of what you’re doing and not comment on random things. You have to divide and conquer until you reach the point where the error occurs. Of course, you have more professional ways of doing this, but you obviously don’t know how to do it yet.
– Maniero
Related question: http://answall.com/q/139820/132 - I hope that the answer I gave you there helped.
– Victor Stafusa