How to send data to the constructor?


Viewed 37 times


I need you to help me understand the object programming part.

I needed to pass a value that was not inside the test object to know what was the choice of the utility. But once again I’m a beginner in objects.

As I have to call in my main activity to receive the choice ?

public class organizadist {

    public organizadist()


    public teste[] inicializa(teste[] objecto) {
// o que eu queria receber
if (escolha==1){
// faz alguma coisa 
if (escolha==2){

//faz outra coisa 


    public static class teste {
        public int ola;



2 answers


Simple learned it yesterday curiously.

In his activity :

 organizadist enviadados = new organizadist();
                organizadist.Teste array [] = enviadados.inicializa(listaClothes ,  escolha);

In your constructor:`

public teste[] inicializa(teste[] objecto , int escolha);
  • I don’t think it’s working for the tests I did here later I’ll come back with more info


You can do as follows to pass value using constructor.

public FrmDetalheRet(string pstrAba, int pnuNuped, int pnuCdRetPedVda)

  if (pstrAba == strConstReceb)            
     //this.dgvReceb.Columns["colCdPRod"].Visible = false;            
  if (pstrAba == strConstPed)          
     // this.dgvReceb.Columns["col2"].Visible = false;           

  string strMsg = string.Empty;
  bool booRetorno = false;

  BLLDetItPedv bLLDetItPedv = new BLLDetItPedv();
  DataTable  dt = bLLDetItPedv.SelectDadosDetItPedvDAL(out strMsg, out    booRetorno, pnuNuped, pnuCdRetPedVda);

  if (!booRetorno)

// Na chamada da classe você passa os parâmetros necessários para o construtor:
FrmDetalheRet frmDetalheRet = new FrmDetalheRet(strConstPed,(int)dgvPedido["colNuPed", dgvPedido.CurrentRow.Index].Value,                    (int)dgvPedido["colCdRetPedVda", dgvPedido.CurrentRow.Index].Value);

In the example above in the class I do some operations with the values that were passed as parameters.

  • Thank you Lucas Queiroz Ribeiro, I’m getting the way how to post code format.

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