I have a simple notification, but the icon does not fill the whole part. I generated it through Android Asset and put each resolution in its respective folder in mipmap.
Notification Android 4.1
Notification Android 5.0
Notification noti = new Notification.Builder(MainActivity.this).
setTicker("BPF Denúncia")
.setContentTitle("BPF Denúncia")
.setContentText("Há Uma Nova Denúncia Contra Você!")
How to resolve to fill the entire Notification space ?
You can show an example of how you’d like it to be?
– Pablo Almeida
I wanted him to fill out the whole thing. If I have a rectangular icon, instead of putting the icon inside another, the icon itself fills everything, without leaving any edge. ,here an example using the same icon:https://s31.postimg.org/n07w0y6l7/image.png
– saidmrn
Another Example, now he is doing this: https://s31.postimg.org/57goqfu0n/actual.png the right one would be this: https://s31.postimg.org/psvgicblj/novo.png
– saidmrn