Total with plurality in Django template


Viewed 276 times


Guys I have the following code:

    <h4>{{ combination|length }} combinação{{ combination|length|pluralize }}</h4>
    <h5><b>Total:</b> {{ combination.paginator.count }} combinação{{ combination.paginator.count|pluralize }}</h5>

It returns me the number of combinations. I mean, in the plural it is making combinations. How to fix this?

1 answer


According to the documentation the pluralize accepts the argument in singular and plural.

{{ combination|length }} 
combina{{ combination|length|pluralize:"ção,ções" }}

he will show:

0 combinações
1 combinação
2 combinações
  • Thank you. Mainly for education.

  • Oops! It’s a pleasure to help. I forgot to post the link to the

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