Use Java Project in another project


Viewed 1,006 times


I have a web java project (a kind of framework) and I want to use it in my main project(the application), but I don’t want to generate a .jar. I want to use it directly within my project so that when I need to make some changes I don’t need to all did compile a .jar. I added the project in Properties > java build path > Projects I can use the other project classes normally, but when running the project in the browser I get the error:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.jmsys.client.component.botao.BotaoConfirmar

How can I do that ?

  • Use Maven, it’s easier. If you already use Maven put the following dependency. <dependency> <groupid>${project.groupid}</groupid> <artifactId>name of your project</artifactId> <version> version of your project </version> </dependency>

  • Right, I created the project without using mavem, it is possible to use it after the project created ?

  • it is possible. But make a backup before. follows links


  • V30ncmgridu

  • 1

    Thanks Marcelo, this will help me tbm.

  • @Jetersonmirandagomes, can you tell me how you use the class of the other project?

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1 answer


I believe we are missing compile the classes. If you are using Eclipse go to the menu and select: Project > Clean. In the box that will open select Clean Projects Selected Below, check the projects you are working on and click OK. Then post the changes to the server. You must resolve.

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