How to solve the problem of PHP 5.6 with obsolete PPA on Linux?


Viewed 462 times


I went to spin the remote sudo apt-get upgrade and I got the PHP PPA discontinuation message.

After updating the PHP version, when I run php -v, appears the following:


In that case, if this PPA is obsolete, what should I do to solve this problem?

  • Good question, I noticed now that mine is also like this. I would like to solve also

  • It is. Even get ready, because the PHP configuration directories were totally altered. What was left in /etc/php5 now it has ended in /etc/php/5.6

  • Beware that in mine, some readable that I had got broken

1 answer


The repository has changed as you can see in note. Add the

add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php

and update the apt-list:

sudo apt-get update

Then just install the desired version 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1:

sudo apt-get install -y php5.6

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