Is it possible to implement a dynamic array within a C structure?


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How is it possible to create a dynamic array within a structure


typedef struct historico_de_fabrica {
    Hist_id_rolos rolos[1000]; //<- este array em vez de ter 1000 posições queria em
                               //memoria dinâmica para ter um tamanho ajustável ao incremento

2 answers


Yes. Uses pointers and malloc()/realloc() and free()

#include <stdlib.h> // malloc(), realloc(), free()

struct historico_de_fabrica {
    Hist_id_rolos *rolos;

struct historico_de_fabrica obj;
obj.rolos = malloc(1000 * sizeof *obj.rolos);
if (obj.rolos == NULL) /* erro */;
// ...

If, in the middle of the execution, you notice that 1000 positions are not enough for you, increase the array with realloc.

if (needmore) {
    Hist_id_rolos *temp;
    temp = realloc(2000 * sizeof *temp);
    if (!temp) /* erro */;
    obj.rolos = temp;
  • 2

    Could create functions like criar_historico(historico_de_fabrica* foo, int size) to facilitate creation, editing, resizing memory, this makes code more reusable.

  • 3

    Another point is that when the size is no longer known, it is useful to store the size of the array in a member variable.

  • 1

    Just as an add-on, note that in this case, your struct will no longer have an array, but a pointer to any memory position. In practice, be careful if you do "obj2 = obj". In this case, "obj2.rollers" and "obj.rollers" will point to the same place. That is, if you change the value of "obj.rollers", the value of "obj2.rollers" will also be changed.


Yes, it’s possible. And it’s probably interesting to put the size that was allocated together within the struct, for future use:

typedef struct historico_de_fabrica {
    Hist_id_rolos *rolos;
    size_t tamanho;
} historico_de_fabrica;

// As funções abaixo são sugestões de como implementar uma interface
// para a sua estrutura. Organizar dessa maneira, e só usar as funções
// de interface para acessar a struct, geralmente torna a manutenção
// do código muito mais fácil. Mas cada caso tem que ser avaliado
// se compensa ou não definir as funções de interface.

void alocar_historico_de_fabrica(historico_de_fabrica *hist, size_t tamanho)
    hist->rolos = malloc(tamanho * sizeof *hist->rolos);
    hist->tamanho = tamanho;

void desalocar_historico_de_fabrica(historico_de_fabrica *hist)

    // zera o conteúdo de hist, de modo que o ponteiro será NULL,
    // e o tamanho será 0.
    memset(hist, 0, sizeof *hist);

Then, at some point in the code you need to use the dynamic array, you will have the size together:

for(size_t i = 0; i < hist->tamanho; ++i) {
    Hist_id_rolos *elem = &hist->rolos[i];
    // faça alguma coisa com elem...

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