Doubt with C pointers


Viewed 90 times


Hello, I am looking for the problem hrs in this excerpt (implementation of an avl tree) but I can not find, I pass a Dictionary D to this function and its value is modified within the context, but it is not modified in the context where the function is called.

Dictionary. c

struct No * RotacionaEsquerda(struct No * Pai)
printf("Rotacionando %d para a esquerda\n", GetChave(Pai->I));

struct No * Filho = Pai->direita;
Pai->direita = Filho->esquerda;
Filho->esquerda = Pai;
return Filho;

void Balanceamento (struct Dicionario * D, struct No * Pai) {

int Fator = FatorDeBalanceamento (Pai);

if (Fator >= 2) {
// Arvore tendendo a direita
        Pai = RotacionaEsquerda(Pai);
        // Raiz é modificado neste contesto
} else {
    if (Fator <= -2) {
    //Arvore tendendo a esquerda


Client. c

int main()
srand( time(NULL) );

struct Dicionario * D = CriaDicionario();
int totalNiveis = 0;    

    char comando[20];
    if(scanf("%s", comando) < 1 || strcmp(comando, "SAIR") == 0)

    if(strcmp(comando, "INSERIR") == 0)
        struct Item I;
        Chave c;
        scanf("%d", &c);
        SetChave(&I, c);

        Inserir(D, I);
    else if(strcmp(comando, "BUSCAR") == 0)
        Chave c;
        scanf("%d", &c);

        int niveis = Buscar(D, c);
        printf("%d\n", niveis);
        totalNiveis += niveis;
    else if(strcmp(comando, "REMOVER") == 0)
        Chave c;
        scanf("%d", &c);

        Remover(D, c);
    else if(strcmp(comando, "IMPRIMIR") == 0)
printf("%d\n", totalNiveis);
return 0;

When printing the Dicinario D in the context of the Balancing function, it displays the correct output, but when trying to display in the context of the main function in Client. c it displays the old Dictionary D without the left and right (Rotate left working)

source code

  • Vinicius, your code is very incomplete. Please arrange it so that it can be compiled so that we can test and give you an accurate answer.

  • Okay, I got the github link

  • Always provide the full code on the page, so future users can take advantage of your doubt.

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