GCC compiler command to display #ifdef


Viewed 147 times


What compiler command do I use to display this line at runtime?

#ifdef DEBUG
    double tInicio_=clock() ;
  • 1

    I don’t understand what you want, your code is not running this and you want it to run? You are compiling as debug? Give more context to the question.

  • That, I need to know how to compile it and run in order to show this line, I know you have a proper command for this, I only know to compile: gcc <file>. c -o <file>. exe -lm and execute: . /<file>. exe

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1 answer


Just use the directive -D at the GCC command line:


This will create a definition of DEBUG what will make this #ifdef be compiled and therefore run when the application is called (of course, it depends on where this is used). This is linking this "variable", so it existing does the ifdef be true.

Other things need to be right in the code to work, but that’s not how you know by the question.

  • Oops, that’s what I wanted to know, thank you very much, I’m using it at the end of the code, it’s not within another conditional, so it will run anyway. VLW even in!!

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