Google Polymer and ANGULARJS (2016)


Viewed 117 times


good afternoon. Does anyone here use Google Polymer? If ever, have some experience to tell about its possible integration with Angularjs?

According to Angular itself: "A key Feature of Angularjs 2.0 is its support for Web Components [1]. Google’s Polymer is a Web Component polyfill (enabling them on all Current browsers) and a framework on top of Web Components."

1 answer


I use the Polymer and I see no need to use the Angular and explain why. To understand this we must answer the question:

How Angularjs 2.0 and Polymer are related ?

Direct answer: they are unrelated.

Angular 2.0 has been completely rewritten in order to rely on web-components using a proprietary approach with angular directives. You don’t need Polymer to create web-components in Angular 2.0 but it’s not so trivial to do so.

On the other hand, Polymer makes web-building much easier with its polyfills.

Angular is a Javascript framework with MVC support.

Polymer is a web-component API. The advantage I see in Polymer is the integration with DOM where you can create components inheriting from native HTML elements and also by the huge range of existing elements. The adoption of Polymer is increasing a lot within Google that standardized Material Design on Android and Polymer supports dozens of components with this visual/behavioral paradigm. In addition, the Google Chrome team is working closely with the Polymer team to natively support the HTML5 features used in Polymer.

Angularjs is widely adopted by developers and is practically the most mature javascript framework in existence today, but most of the existing code is 1.x version that does not use web-component.

Some interesting features of Angular 2 are: Dependency Injection, Templating, Notes , Scaffolding and Touch Routing.

Advantages of Polymer can be seen here

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