How to get the line number in PHP?


Viewed 620 times


How can I be getting the line number on which the method was executed for example?


Class Example
    function methodExample()
        echo __LINE__;

index php.

include "class.php";

Example::methodExample(); // 5

The use of _LINE_ does not do what I wish, since it displays the line where it was inserted and not where the method was called.

1 answer


Pass the number of the current line as argument for the method (it has to have a parameter to receive this argument). Or use the debug_backtrace() to get all call information (slower).

Class Example {
    function methodExample($line) {
        echo $line . "\n";
    function methodExample2() {
        echo debug_backtrace()[0]["line"];

Behold working in the ideone. And in the repl it.. Also put on the Github for future reference.

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