What do I call Popover instead of an infowindow?


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I have a situation on the maps where I have several markers on the map and each with a different identification. I can use the infowindow normally to display all the data relating to that marker. However, I will need to implement a more advanced html and use the bootstrap "Popover" instead of the infoviewer. My function of clicking on the marker follows below

    google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function () {
    /// implementação
    var conteúdo = "<p>conteúdo qualquer</p>";
    infoWindow.open(map, this);

How can I call a Popover for this marker (without confusing its data with other markers) instead of calling the default maps infowindow?

  • The Popover you refer to will be the boostrap modal?

  • The bootstrap modal darkens the screen behind and appears in the middle of the screen. Already the bootstrap Popover appears as a little balloon, where I can play html. That’s the little balloon I want to use.

  • Ha ok.. I realized, I didn’t know

  • @Dichrist, are you having trouble using Popover? Or is your question more about Design itself?

  • is to use the Andrew Popup, I cannot call the Popover to the marker I click

  • have tried? var options = { content: 'conteúdo aqui' }; $('#exemplo').popover(options);

  • what element with id is this ('example')?

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