Chart primefaces does not take Selectonemenu variable


Viewed 154 times


I am trying to pass a Selectonemenu variable to a Chart of the first faces and I believe the program updates the Chart before passing the variable.

                <p:outputLabel for="listagem" value="Vendedores:" />

                <p:selectOneMenu id="listagem"
                                 style="width:125px" >

                    <f:selectItem itemLabel="Selecione" itemValue="#{login.user}" />
                    <f:selectItems value="#{bean.vendedores}" />

                <p:commandButton value="Pesquisar" oncomplete="#{bean.refreshChart()}" update="myBarChart"/>


                <p:chart type="pie" model="#{bean.model}" id="myBarChart">
                    <p:ajax event="itemSelect" listener="#{bean.itemSelect}" />

and in the bean;

public class Bean {
private PieChartModel model;
private String vendedor;
private List<String> vendedores;

public List<String> getVendedores() throws SQLException {
    GestorVisaoVendedorDAO dao = new GestorVisaoVendedorDAO();
    vendedores = dao.vendedoresAtivos();
    return vendedores;

public void setVendedores(List<String> vendedores) {
    this.vendedores = vendedores;

public String getVendedor() {
    return vendedor;

public void setVendedor(String vendedor) {
    this.vendedor = vendedor;

public void refreshChart() {

public Bean() {

public void criaGrafico() {
    model = new PieChartModel();
    model.set(vendedor, 540);
    model.set("Brand 2", 325);
    model.set("Brand 3", 702);
    model.set("Brand 4", 421);
    model.setTitle("Simple Pie");

public PieChartModel getModel() {
    return model;

public void itemSelect(ItemSelectEvent event) {
    FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, "Item selected",
            "Item Index: " + event.getItemIndex() + ", Series Index:" + event.getSeriesIndex());
    FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, msg);

It’s a ready-made prime table just to simplify the problem.

1 answer


Next, when you use the <p:selectOneMenu use the value instead of itemValue to receive the value that will be selected in the drop.

In his <f:selectItem you already pass a value to him (itemValue="#{login.user}").

What you can do in this case is to use:

  • my itemValue of <f:selectItem itemValue="#{login.user}"> serves to say that if it is blank it is the same as the logged in user. no <p:selectOneMenu> I’m already using value (not itemValue). the problem is that the variable #{bean.seller} is only set after the chart, and the chart is named null.

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