Menu Jquery does not open!


Viewed 59 times


This is the page:

Problem: When I’m at a resolution less than 800px (yes, I’m making use of media queries), i make the menu retracts in a default figure, then when clicking it opens the menu. But this giving error:

Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined       sobre.php:69            
Uncaught ReferenceError: urlproduto is not defined   VM127:6

On line 69


    $(".menuAbrir").click(function() {

    $(".menuFechar").click(function() {

I have this JQuery to open the menu as it is included on all pages. But this is giving this error;

More precisely line 69:


What to do?

  • Maybe it could be the order in which the <script src="jquery.js"> was placed, see if it is being referenced before that script Voce posted.

  • Ex: <script src="jquery.js"> just below <script type="text/javascript"> ...your </script code>

1 answer


Looking at the source code of the page I did not find the link to Jquery. Do the following:

Before your code <script type="text/javascript"> ...sua função </script> add reference to your jquery.js file, <script src="jquery.js">.

  • Sorry, really forgot to put. Tiredness does it! kkk. Taking this opportunity, you can explain to me why this page,, in the form fields, are locally stylized correctly Texts inputs but on the web are not stylized correctly and the css are correctly posted?

  • Open a new question for css, otherwise it will get too much comment here

  • OK, I’ll do it! Thank you!

  • If I may close the question.

  • can close yes

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