I cannot enter data into the sqlite using javascript


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I’m creating a smartphone app using Cordova for a college project. The App consists of a simple patient registration. I’m having trouble recording data in the database.

Initially the recording was working, but I forgot to include an id field with auto increment in the table, and from there nothing worked. The strange thing is that the successful callback function is executed, that is, apparently there is no error in the Insert.

also took care to test each command in a sqlite database editor and they all worked correctly.

The Javascript code I’m using is below:

// Criando/abrindo o banco
var db = openDatabase("graudecoma", "1.0", "base de dados da aplicacao", 200000);

// criando a tabela caso ela não exista
        transaction.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pacientes ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "nome" TEXT NOT NULL, "abertura_ocular" INTEGER NOT NULL, "resposta_motora" INTEGER NOT NULL, "resposta_verbal" INTEGER NOT NULL, "diagnostico" TEXT)', [], null, db.onError);

// função callback de erro
db.onError = function(transaction, e) {
  alert("Aconteceu um erro: " + e.message);

// função de callback de sucesso de insert
db.onSuccess = function(transaction, e) {
  alert("Dados Gravados com Sucesso!");

// função temporaria que lista resultados
db.getResults = function (transaction, r) {
    console.log('deu certo!');

   for(var i = 0; i < r.rows.length; i++){

// aqui vai o insert
  transaction.executeSql("INSERT INTO pacientes(nome, abertura_ocular, resposta_motora, resposta_verbal, diagnostico) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", [$('#nome').val(), $('input[name="sintoma-1"]:checked').val(), $('input[name="sintoma-2"]:checked').val(), $('input[name="sintoma-3"]:checked').val(), $('#diagnostico').val()], db.onSuccess, db.onError);

// consulta no banco
    transaction.executeSql("SELECT * FROM pacientes", [], db.getResults, db.onError);

As I said initially, it was working, but after I changed the CREATE TABLE to include the id I could no longer record.

Note: I also took care to recreate the table. also tried to create a new bank graudecoma2 and also a new table.

1 answer


Your problem is simpler than you think, remove the AUTOINCREMENT, because every primary key will be by default AUTOINCREMENT

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  • 1

    Gee, that’s right! Thank you very much!

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