Error parsing XML, row 3147, column 2: The Markup in the Document following the root element must be well-Formed


Viewed 337 times


I’m making some changes to a blog and this error appears when I try to save. The line where he says the mistake is the second.

<div id='copyrights'> 
<div class='margin-1200'>
  <p>Coprights @ 2016, <a href='' id='mycontent'>Blogger Template</a> Designed By Templateism | <a href=''>Templatelib</a></p>

<script>(function(d,e,s){if(d.getElementById(&quot;likebtn_wjs&quot;))return;a=d.createElement(e);m=d.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];a.async=1;;likebtn_wjs&quot;;a.src=s;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)})(document,&quot;script&quot;,&quot;//;);</script>

What do I have to do to make it go away? BS: I don’t know ANYTHING html, so anyone who can help me, thank you.

  • 1

    Are you sure <div id='copyrights'> is line 3147?

  • 3

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1 answer


@Maria Santos, only with this passage it is difficult to give an exact answer, however it offers some elements that may be useful.

First step to uncompromise this section of Javascript:

Change : //;);</script>

For :;);</script>

Remove these two bars "//".

It does this and comments the result below the answer that we adjust.

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