I’m making some changes to a blog and this error appears when I try to save. The line where he says the mistake is the second.
<div id='copyrights'>
<div class='margin-1200'>
<p>Coprights @ 2016, <a href='http://www.templateism.com' id='mycontent'>Blogger Template</a> Designed By Templateism | <a href='https://templatelib.com'>Templatelib</a></p>
<script>(function(d,e,s){if(d.getElementById("likebtn_wjs"))return;a=d.createElement(e);m=d.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];a.async=1;a.id="likebtn_wjs";a.src=s;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)})(document,"script","//w.likebtn.com/js/w/widget.js");</script>
What do I have to do to make it go away? BS: I don’t know ANYTHING html, so anyone who can help me, thank you.
Are you sure
<div id='copyrights'>
is line 3147?– Victor Stafusa
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– Bacco