Broadcastreceiver gives error with BOOT_COMPLETED


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I need to update every 1h the information and I’m using a BroadCastReceiver. If the user opens the APP, it works properly doing everything every 1h. But I need it to do with the phone boot and not only when opening the app.

But I do not know why, says that my application stopped after the phone call. I don’t know where the mistake is, since he arrives at the end of the methods.

I’m calling the AlarmService thus:

public class BootReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    if (intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED)){
        Intent i = new Intent(context,AlarmReceiver.class);

In my AlarmService is the following code :

For Logcat, I see he’s coming in until he gets to the end of the code.

CHEGOU FINAL ANTES abrir arquivo 

Where could the mistake be? Thank you in advance for your attention!

  • You declared the permission <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED"/>in the Manifest.xml? Edit and enter the code for exception to facilitate the resolution of the problem.

  • Yes, I put the permission and the app is installed in Ternal.It is not giving any Exception, simply stop responding. Does it have anything to do with context.startActivity ?

  • It may be that your Intent is coming as null. Try commenting on the line if (intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED)){ and }, done this test the application. You can also change to if("android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED".equals(intent.getAction())).

  • I switched context.startActivity(i) to context.startService(i),now it runs, but it doesn’t call my Alarmreceiver methods..

  • It really hadn’t seen this part. Its AlarmReceiver should not extend the Service and not of BroadcastReceiver? From what I understand you want to use it as a Service, right?

  • Thanks for the help, I do not know much the difference of the 2,what would change from one to the other ? ,I will try to switch to service,if I put service,would not give error in the receiver manifest by not extending Broadcastreceiver ?

  • Take a look at this question that I answered today: It explains how well one works Serviceand how you use it with the device boot.

  • Hello, thank you worked perfectly, how could I adapt to call the service every x hours ? I’ve heard it’s with Alarmmanager and I’ve looked around, ?

  • Okay, buddy, I’ll put it as an answer so other people can see. As for your other question, it would be nice for you to create a new question with this subject.

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1 answer


Question answered in comments, just moving here.

Exchange the context.startActivity(i) for context.startService(i).

As for your class AlarmReceiver, I believe that what you need to update the information is a Service. So you can use your BootReceiverto start the Service when the device boots.

This link will help you with what you need: How to make application running in the background all the time

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