Passing model via dynamic form parameter in . NET MVC


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I created this function to generate a handle (or slug, how to prefer) for the model users, the problem is that I would like to make it more "modular", so that I can easily implement in any other model that is also necessary to generate a Handle.

The model, which is a partial.

public partial class users

    public void Handle()

The function:

public void Handle()
    int length;
    string handle;
    List<int> list = new List<int>();

    handle = Slugify.Make(this.first_name + " " + this.last_name);
    length = (handle + "-").Length;

    this.handle = handle;

    using (Entities db = new Entities())
        List<string> handles = db.users.Where(p => p.handle.Contains(handle) || p.handle.StartsWith(handle + "-"))
            .Select(p => p.handle)

        if (handles.Count == 0 || handles.Contains(handle) == false)
            this.handle = handle;

        if (handles.Contains(handle) && handles.Count == 1)
            this.handle = handle + "-" + 1;

        foreach (string index in handles)
            if ((index + "-").Length > length)
                list.Add(int.Parse(index.Remove(0, length)));


        int suffix = list.Last();
        this.handle = handle + "-" + (suffix + 1);

So I created a separate class that at first would receive as a parameter the model and then do basically what function Handle() does, but in a "modular" way, for example:

Passing as parameter:

users user = new users
    first_name = first_name,
    last_name = last_name,
    email = email,
    password = BCryptHelper.HashPassword(password, BCryptHelper.GenerateSalt(6))
    handle = Handle.Make(db.users, first_name + " " + last_name)

The function:

public class Handle
    public string Make(Type model, string handle)
        db.Set<model>.Where(...) ...

        return handle;

But I can not in any way pass as parameter the model db.users without specifically determining the type of model is users.

I’ve tried to public string Make(DbSet<dynamic> model... but also did not give...

1 answer


You can. Use generic:

public class Handle
    public string Make<T>(T model, string handle)
        where T: class
        db.Set<T>.Where(...) ...

        return handle;


To parameterize the Where, according to your comments, you need to define an interface for T:

public interface IHandle
    public string handle { get; set; }

So you can use the Where:

public class Handle
    public string Make<T>(T model, string handle)
        where T: class, IHandle
        db.Set<T>().Where(p => p.handle.Contains(handle) || p.handle.StartsWith(handle + "-"))

        return handle;


The way of calling the method is thus:

Handle.Make(user, "Rafael Alexandre");

I believe that db is accessible within the method. If it is not, it must be so:

    public string Make<T>(DbContext db, T model, string handle)
        where T: class, IHandle
        db.Set<T>().Where(p => p.handle.Contains(handle) || p.handle.StartsWith(handle + "-"))

        return handle;

There you call it:

Handle.Make(db, user, "Rafael Alexandre");
  • It worked partially, the problem is that the Handle parameter is not recognized in this Where: db.Set<T>().Where(p => p.handle.Contains(handle) || p.handle.StartsWith(handle + "-")).

  • 'T' does not contain a definition for handle

  • Ah, good. It means you have to set an interface to work. I will edit the answer.

  • It hasn’t worked yet. When I try to pass as parameter the Handle.Make(db.users, "Rafael Alexandre") the return is The type System.Data.Entity.DbSet<Models.users> cannot by as type parameter 'T' in generic type or method 'Handle.Make<T>(T, string).

  • 1

    No, young man. You don’t pass the whole context. It goes like this: Handle.Make(user, "Rafael Alexandre"), where user would be the user. I’ll edit the answer one more time because I don’t think it’s clear yet.

  • And if I want to access it ( in any way that works, is it possible? ;users user = new users { handle = first_name + " " + last_name }

  • It is possible this way. Try to implement. If there is a problem, ask one more question.

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