Resteasy and Struts 2 - Interceptor Problem


Viewed 76 times


My project uses Wildfly 8, java 8 with Struts 2. I’m trying to use Resteasy to implement web services. The project works perfectly, but when I include the settings for Resteasy in the web.xml, Struts 2’s Interceptor stops working. The Resteasy settings are at the end of web.xml below:

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <web-app version="2.5" 

        <display-name>Sistema Academico</display-name>














   <!-- RESTEasy: mapeie "TODOS" meus recursos JAX-RS -->  

   <!-- O Servlet do RESTeasy pega as requests para direcionar para as suas   
      classes JAX-RS -->  

   <!-- O servlet do RESTEasy responde na raiz da aplicação -->  


Is it possible to use Resteasy with Struts2? Can anyone point out where I’m missing?

Thank you

  • I changed the Resteasy Mapping to /rs/*. Now the application is working again, but the webservice is not available.

  • When trying to consume the webservice, I get the message There is no Action Mapped for namespace / and action name obtemAlunos.

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