php folder permission


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I have an open source system called NOVOSGA running on my local machine, but the hosting server doesn’t work, when I try to run it gives me an error of the system itself:

Diretório temporário    /tmp    
Permissão requerida: Escrita    
Permissão atual: Somente leitura

Session Save Path   /var/lib/php/session/
Permissão requerida: Escrita    
Permissão atual: Somente leitura

I contacted the hosting, and they swear to stand together that these permissions are already written.

I saw in the code that these two folders can be accessed with these commands on php: sys_get_temp_dir() and session_save_path()

Is it possible for me to run some command on php tell me the current permission of these folders for me to send to the hosting server?

  • You can access the SSH hosting server?

  • You have access to php.ini? If yes, you can try changing the Session directory to a temporary one. session.save_path = /tmp where /tmp is what you know is allowed. Important always backup the file php.ini before changing.

  • I don’t have access, it’s from the hosting server, only what they tell me is that these permissions already exist, so I wanted some command that showed on the screen the permission of these folders

  • You can check if you have write permission using is_writable():

  • You have some sort of ssh access to your server ?

  • Just give a permission in your root folder 775 and if you need tbm in the cache folder.

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