Error while selecting emulator in Android Studio


Viewed 1,591 times


Good afternoon. I’m starting to study Android and use Android Studio. I clicked to run the application and appeared the window requesting a new emulator.

I’ve done this before on another computer and it worked normally after the settings, as in the following image.


But now, when I click Finish, it’s loading:


And after a while back to the home screen, requesting again an emulator. I’m doing something wrong, or some setting is incorrect?

  • need to check your java and Android SDK settings

  • I saw that you are using API 6.0 in the emulator, your project is configured to work with this API?

2 answers


You can start your vm in two ways, the first is through the standard mode running your command application Shift+F10 and the other way is through AVD Manager.

Problem solving:

I’ve been through this problem, possible delay in the synchronization of ADB:

After creating your vm, if no virtual machine appears, don’t worry, close this window, then re-run your application Shift+F10 and then wait a little until Android list their vms, then choose the machine you want to start and start by clicking ok.

Obs: In Select Deployment Target clear the option []Use same selection for future launches, since if that option is checked and if you created a vm with some error, every time you run your application you will have an error and never start anything.

Recommendation for the creation of your VM:

I noticed you’re using a very high resolution 1080x1920 download to 480x800 or 320x480 and I also noticed that you are using the API 23 (6.0) try downloading your API to API 21 (5.0) or API 19 (4.4).

Creating a Basic VM:

From Toolbar menu click on AVD Manager and then...

click [+ Create Virtual Device...]

Window - Select Hardware

Category    Name              Size    Resolution    Density 
Phone       3.2"QVGA(ADP2)    3,2"    320x480       mdpi

click on [Next]

Window - System image

choose a tab [Other images]

Release Name    API Level    ABI            Target
Kit Kat         19           armeabi-v7a    Android 4.4(With Google APIs)

Obs: If you don’t have the image above, download it (Install it and click [Finish]) or select another image, it’s up to you...

Then click on [Next]

Window - Android Virtual Device - Verify Configuration

(!) AVD Name 3.2" QVGA (ADP2) API 19 <- mude para -> 3.2 QVGA (ADP2) API 19

Emulated        Graphics:     Software GLES 2.0
  • Now click on [Finish]
  • Wait while your virtual machine is created...
  • Then select your new VM and start to test...

Important Notice: If you created this new VM, with the above settings, know that you need to add to your file build.gradle API 19 (4.4) to your minSdkVersion, in that way:

 defaultConfig {
        applicationId "package de seu app"
        minSdkVersion 19
        targetSdkVersion 23
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0"

Some links that can help with environment variables:

See also: How to increase memory of Android Studio IDE?

I hope I’ve helped.


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