Real-time password verification with javascript and html


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Good night

I would like a help of what would be a real-time password check in javascript and html, I think of two text boxes and a message below that would indicate something like "divergent password" until the two fields are filled with the same value, one or example would help me a lot!

        <title>Validade Senha</title>
    <script> function validarSenha(){
        senha1 = document.f1.senha1.value
        senha2 = document.f1.senha2.value
        if (senha1 == senha2) alert("SENHAS IGUAIS")
        else alert("SENHAS DIFERENTES") }
<body> VALIDAR SENHA <br> <br>
    <form action="" name="f1">
    Senha: <input type="password" name="senha1" size="20"> <br>
    Confirmar Senha: <input type="password" name="senha2" size="20"> <br>
    <input type="button" value="Validar" onClick="validarSenha()">

Thank you for reading!

  • Voce can use patern and the required field only patern in safari does not work yet dai Voce would have to use also javascript

  • put html code there that I design for you

  • Assanges help me please!

  • Face your function validateNew() this correct is only with some syntax errors but Do you want the end to display a friendly message instead of an Alert and that? does not understand right your question yet @Vitor Marques

  • What I wanted is that I did not need to press the "Validate" button to identify if the two fields are equal, this check would be being done at all times in real time.

  • you can take this Lert, as a feedback could be a text in the same form, if you help me will help me very expensive, I spent hours trying to do this, I am layman in the subject yet...

  • mano finished the cafe around here but stay there in the show for sure someone will help you abs

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1 answer


You can put something like, I don’t remember very well how it does, because it had done with jquery. But anything if it doesn’t work, I edit it right here. Blz? It also has some codes ready that Voce finds in the internet that makes the checks bunitinho and such. I hope to contribute in something

  <input type="text" id="pass" onKeyPress="Verifica()"/>
<input type="text" id="pass2"  onKeyPress="Verifica()"/>
function Verifica(){

  • Cool! It’s very elementary, I will be able to adapt your code easily, the feedback is the border color change right?

  • Assanges, this function onKeypress, you know if I impute a text in the textbox via code, know if it will identify the change?

  • That, I believe I would not identify, because it detects the keystroke, for change unless I mistake is onChange=

  • Localhost Unfortunately the onChange and onKeypress function require keyboard pressing, if I print a text in the textbox the code does not notice the change and the function is not executed

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