What are the differences between BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY and BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY?


Viewed 66 times


In trying to compile, I came across these two options, in my case only one worked, which led me to the questions:

  • What one could have, that the other doesn’t have?
  • What advantage, and disadvantage in using BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY or BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY?
  • There are others like these?

1 answer


BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY: This variable points to a build script that collects all the information about the module you provided in your LOCAL_XXX, and determines how to build a shared destination library from the sources you listed. Using this script requires that you have already assigned values to LOCAL_MODULE and LOCAL_SRC_FILES.

BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY: It is used to build a static library. The build system does not copy static libraries into your project/packages, but you can use them to build shared libraries.

In that reply, explains the difference, advantages and disadvantages of static and dynamic linkage.

To learn more about BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY and BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY the very documentation explain and suggest links so that you can better understand how they work.

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