My site has a query screen of registered events. For each one, I have the option of Edit Event that redirects me to a form:
function editaEvento(val){
var valor = val;
location.href = "http://meusite.com.br/edicaoeventos?valor="+valor;
// Função de edição pra abrir a página de formulário, semelhante ao do Index, mas que somente fará a edição
Inside the editing form there is a button to print this form. I was looking to create a new function to Print the event from the consultation of registered events.
How can I do it? I thought of something like: repeat the editEvento function and adding a value of $_SESSION['imprime']
equal to 1
. Then when the edit tab loads, it checks the value of Session. If it continues as 1
, it activates form printing automatically.
I appreciate anyone who can help me.