I am developing a financial system. Today we have the following situation:
- Banks (id, name, outstanding);
- Recipes (id, geraParcela, qtyParcelas)
- Receitas_installments (id, id_recipe, value, expiration date)
- Expenses (id, geraParcela, qtParcelas)
- Instalments (id, id_expense, value, maturity)
I made a SELECT
in the Mysql to add up the column saldoInicial
+ valor(receita)
- valor(despesa)
The select was as follows:
SELECT SUM(rp.par_valor) + SUM(b.ban_saldoInicial) - SUM(dp.des_valor) AS total FROM bancos b
INNER JOIN receitas r ON (b.id_banco = r.id_banco)
INNER JOIN receitas_parcelas rp ON (r.id_receita = rp.id_receita)
INNER JOIN despesas d ON (b.id_banco = d.id_banco)
INNER JOIN despesas_parcelas dp ON (d.id_despesa = dp.id_despesa)
WHERE id_banco = ID AND rp.par_status = 1 AND dp.par_status = 1
In the SELECT above, you should sum up all the amounts of the receipts you have received, all the instalments of expenses you have paid and the bank’s initial balance.
Only if, for example, there is no record of income or expenses, the result comes back NULL
Is there any other way to add up the way I need to with Mysql?
You served me perfectly, thank you very much.
– Matheus Jordan