When should I use Modelstate.Isvalid?


Viewed 3,777 times


When should I use the ModelState.isValid? Is it only in the insertion of data? And in the case of update and delete? We need?

1 answer


The verification of the validity of ModelState should be done every time a form is sent. Not only for inserts, edits and exclusions.

The ModelState not only serves to Models, but also for Viewmodels. The essential function of ModelState is to represent the validity of what was sent to Controller and, in case of non-validity, also detail the errors, if applicable (ModelState.Errors).

Thus, all the work of checking the fill and values of each property of the sent object is done alone. You just need to insert the decor appropriately into the Model or Viewmodel.

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  • 1

    ModelState.AddModelError is the right way. Exceptions are slow and characterize systemic failures, not validation failures, which are expected flows in the functioning of the system.

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