Catch value of a li Angularjs Ionic


Viewed 108 times


<div class="list">
<li class="item" ng-click="city()" ng-repeat="seg in segmento">{{seg}}</li>

I have this code in my Ionic framework I would like to get the value of li I’ve tried with name, ng-model someone has any suggestions?

  • Pass your segment by parameter to the city function. Ex; city(sec)

  • Why don’t you take the data directly from the "segment" array? It’s easier.

  • I thought of going through the parameter, but is that dps I’ll have to pick up this value again.

  • You can’t take it by the segment array, because this list has a click I want the value that the user click on the case.

1 answer


<div class="list">
<li class="item" ng-click="city(seg)" ng-repeat="seg in segmento">{{seg}}</li>

The seg is the selected element, you can pass by parameter.

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