Create Html/Css Phone Mask


Viewed 3,568 times


It would be like making a mask without plugin in a field of my form ex: (00) 0000-0000 ?

Usand CSS or HTML only?

  • I believe only with javascript (pure) same

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1 answer


You can use regular Expression in the tag <input> of Html5.

It will not work as a mask but it will validate the phone in the format (99-99999999) or (99-999999999).


<input type="text" required id="partNumber" pattern="^[1-9]{2}\-[2-9][0-9]{7,8}$" />

For your example [(99)9999-9999] the regular Expression would be <input type="text" required id="partNumber" pattern="^\([1-9]{2}\)[0-9]{4}\-[0-9]{4}$" />

See working in

Note: It will only work in newer browsers.

  • I followed this tutorial that uses the function you mentioned:

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