Update JSP chunk via Servlet


Viewed 489 times


I have the following case:

I have an index.jsp file, which has the structure below:

<jsp:include page="templates/header.jspf"/>
<div id="view">
<jsp:include page="home.jspf"/>
<jsp:include page="templates/footer.jspf"/>

For navigation I call the pages via ajax, and change the content of the div from id="view", through the JS below:

function abrirPag(valor){

    var url = valor;

    xmlRequest.onreadystatechange = mudancaEstado;
    return url;

function mudancaEstado(){
    if (xmlRequest.readyState == 4){
        document.getElementById("view").innerHTML = xmlRequest.responseText;

But I have a problem. I have a login form, which accepts login from customers and administrators. After logging in, I would like the system to validate the user type and reload this index.jsp including the corresponding header (it is a header for the uninlogged user, another for clients and another for administrators). I’m not getting through.

I tried to use Requestdispatcher for that, but it didn’t work.

I also tried to call the JS function to reload the page, but it runs independent of the Servlet flow and I can’t know if the user who tried to log in really exists, nor if it is admin or client.

Does anyone know how I could solve this?

1 answer


One solution would be to create the 3 header structures on the page and make them invisible. You make them visible according to the return coming from Servlet. This return can be a simple json.


<div class="invisible" id="adm">
<!-- aqui o código para montar o header de adm -->
<div class="invisible" id="client">
<!-- aqui o código para montar o header de adm -->
<div class="invisible" id="default">
<!-- aqui o código para montar o header de adm -->

Then you make an ajax request to Servlet:

$.post("your-domain.com/login", {username: "admin", password: "123admin"}).done(function(retorno){
       var json = JSON.parse(retorno);
       } else if(json.isClient) {
       //continua a logica para não logado também

Finally, in Servlet, you return a json if the login was as expected (administrator, client, not logged in)

//Logica de negócio, verifica no banco, bla bla bla
Resultado resultado = new Resultado();
Gson gson = new Gson();


This is just one of several solutions you can choose from.

To create JSON from a class, I used Google’s lib called Gson. I also used Jquery to send a post request to Servlet.

  • Interesting this approach. I will test here and return confirming whether or not I got it. Thank you very much!

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