Migrating Windows Local Development Environment to Mac


Viewed 275 times


I would like to migrate to Mac, but I have some fears about the local development environment.

The question is in relation to Apache, Mysql (and other BD’s), PHP and Node.js.

The issues are:

  • Installation and Setup: It’s exhausting, more complex, and requires more advanced levels of Mac usage knowledge?
  • Compatibility: can I use all of the above tools/languages in their entirety or will I have limitations? For example, some PHP classes require DLL’s.

My main concern is not the tools (I adapt without problems) but the limitation of the system when it comes to localhost development, if I will be able to test all the functionalities of a site without compatibility problems.

  • It is no longer difficult. because OS X is based on BSD. You can use it by the control terminal,"like a linux". Only problem are paid programs if you already have in windows.

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    I think I may have an objective yes answer to your question, I would very much like to see the answer, I hoped to appear an answer before it was closed inclusive, because depending on the answer often end up realizing that the question may be part of the scope of the site, but unfortunately it was closed summarily, I wish at least that it had taken a little longer to close, but anyway. I suggest you calm down and create a question at the goal, or edit your question to make it more objective, if that is possible

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    @Math that’s the problem with the community, people can make decisions without knowing what they’re actually doing. Of course, the question is about programming, indirectly, but it is. I wanted to know the difficulties encountered in programming for those who migrated to the MAC, but I don’t think they even tried to understand the scope of the question. Where will I find programmers who have migrated to MAC, if we can’t ask this question here, honestly, I don’t know where. Anyway I voted to reopen the question, still missing votes.

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    The question, in addition to being too broad, has a part for which any answer is pure opinion (regarding migration being exhausting and requiring advanced knowledge). You also ask for tool recommendations in the third item, which is a somewhat sensitive topic here.

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    @Renan sees no other way to ask about a migration, it is impossible to ask a more direct question. I listed which programs/languages I care about and limited installation/configuration and compatibility. Is that too broad? Have some better suggestion, I think you have score to suggest something better.

  • 3

    Scoring has nothing to do with it. In addition, I would love to ask a few questions like "how to build a development environment for Android" or "Best practices for building a product pricing database", but I believe they are too broad and too localized topics. And the question involves programming only tangentially - no concept of programming has been discussed directly. Replace your tools cited by Office, for example, and the question changes almost nothing.

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    @Renan the score yes, above 1000 points can edit without need of an approval. Regarding the question, you are considering 20% of the question and ignoring the 80%. I agree with what you said regarding the appropriate tools, so I removed this topic from the question.

  • 1

    I would say 50% now. The part about wear is still a matter of opinion, but the part about library compatibility is objective. In any case, I withdraw my negative vote and vote by closing.

  • 2

    This question is being discussed at http://meta.pt.stackoverflow.com/questions/1234/question-discountupdated-se-content_for-indirectlyoverdrogramming

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1 answer


Installation and Setup: It’s exhausting, more complex, and requires more advanced levels of Mac usage knowledge?

Apache and PHP are already installed on the Mac by default. If you want to replace them with other versions. In the case of these tools, and others like Mysql, you have two installation options.

  • Compile and install via command line.
  • Install through a package manager like Homebrew, also via command line. It is quite simple, just a command.

Both options require the installation of Mac developer tools - which include C compiler, among other functions. Install these tools, you will need them.

Other tools, like Node, have installers for Mac, in which case the installation is quite simple.

Compatibility: can I use all of the above tools/languages in their entirety or will I have limitations? For example, some php classes require DLL’s.

Mac does not use Dlls, but rather extensions compiled in another format, such as Linux. I don’t know which extensions you use, but the main ones are available for Mac. However, the installation of some of them is more complicated than in Windows, it may be necessary to compile them manually. For rice beans, a common PHP installation (like the one that comes with XAMPP, for example) is sufficient.

Tools: Do the same tools, such as Mysql Workbench, have the same features? There are more appropriate tools for Mac in database handling and programming?

This has no precise answer, but several tools available for Windows also exist for Mac - including Workbench and Sublimetext. You will need to experiment to see which tools you prefer.

My personal experience

The Mac migration is very pleasant for those who are familiar with Linux and like to use Terminal. Surely there are differences and things that take some getting used to, but for me it was worth it, and I hardly go back to Windows. When I need to use Windows (for example, to test something in Internet Explorer), I use virtual machines.

However, only you will be able to assess whether you find it advantageous or not, and you will only know this in practice. Borrow a Mac for a while, or buy a considering that can sell it if you don’t adapt.

  • Yes, the tools are too broad a question, so I said I didn’t care. I have worked with the MAC here in the company, it was just one day, I could not test compatibilities, etc... but without fears I can say that the hardware/software set (OSX) is much superior to what we find in the market and when it comes to fluidity is unanimous.

  • Your answer answers my questions. No one better to answer than a MAC user. I am more confident/committed to migration.

  • 1

    But you don’t have to accept my answer so quickly! It might discourage other people from answering too, @Filipe.

  • Okay, you’re absolutely right, I wanted to accept before they close the issue again, they already voted in favor of closing the topic.

  • Test first on a Virtualbox or another computer. and then migrate and have more intimacy. I did so when I migrated to ARCH.

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