Grunt Concat Does Not Unify Files


Viewed 22 times


I want to unify my css files into one, but Grunt doesn’t unify. It works perfectly for javascript.


concat: {
    options: {
        separator: '\n\n',
    css: {
        src: [
            , 'dist/app/lib/boostrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css'
            , 'dist/app/lib/boostrap/dist/css/bootstrap-theme.css'
        dest: 'dist/app/css/all.css'
    js: {
        src: [
           /* Uma grande lista de arquivos omitidos */
        dest: 'dist/app/js/all.js'
/* código restante omitido, mas também funciona corretamente */

No errors are displayed on the console. Even running the command grunt or grunt concat:css.

  • managed to solve his problem?

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