Telegram bot using Node.js finishing sending the message


Viewed 351 times


Hello, I’m doing a service to warn me of possible errors that may occur on my server,my doubt is , after I send the message how I finish the execution or the way this presenting in the image below is normal ? For to finish the task I have to give a Ctrl + c


var util = require('util');

var TelegramBot = require('node-telegram-bot-api');

var token = '237907874:AAG8hK1lPWi1WRlqQT2';

var bot = new TelegramBot(token, {polling: true});

var millisecondsToWait = 5000;

robot = {
    "alert" : function teste(message) {
        var toId = '-103822200';
        var resp = util.format('Alerta: %s', message);
        bot.sendMessage(toId, resp);



cmd executed as follows

    node.exe bot.js 'texto que quero enviar'

Tela do CMD - Apos envio da msg

have already used the codes , Exit() , exitprocess() , close() - Unsuccessful

1 answer


Hi, have you tried using the command:

  • Consider adding a brief explanation to enrich the answer.

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