Millions of users simultaneously on Android


Viewed 70 times


I see that there’s only beast on this page,and I’m new to mobile development,webservices,so I’d like to understand how this structure works, from now on my many thanks!

1 answer


Bom Luiz,

Android itself has a database that stays on the device itself, thus storing the local data of your application.

If you wish to store this information, treat it or interact with it, you will need to set up a server, on it you configure a central database for all your users and configure a Webservice running on REST or SOAP to receive and send the information to your users.

Good study :)

  • very good friend,things at first are very confusing,this internal database I can already do some things, but then I was thinking about how a higher level app would work,like facebook for example,where there are millions of simultaneous access,I’ve heard of a site where you get an experienced person to come help you,?

  • I do not know, I think it’s cool your initiative, in this area 90% of what is learned is through self-taught, I recommend this site:! /signin? it has an excellent free course in the format of video classroom, the site and all the content is in English, but in this course 90% of the videos have subtitles in Portuguese, but anyway, the English must be learned to work in this area

  • vlw Thanks for the tip,!

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