I have a question about how to use inheritance with Javascript / jQuery (if possible), I did a search but found confusing materials of gringos who could not help me.
Let’s go to the classic example of Person / Personal.
// Arquivo PessoaModal.js
var Pessoa = function(id , nome , status){
this.id = id;
this.nome = nome;
this.status = status;
Pessoa.prototype = {
getId : function(){
return this.id;
} ,
setId : function(id){
this.id = id;
} ,
getNome : function(){
return this.id;
} ,
setNome : function(nome){
this.nome = nome;
} ,
getStatus : function(){
return this.id;
} ,
setStatus : function(status){
this.status = status;
} ,
__get : function(propriedade){
return this[propriedade];
} ,
__set : functoin(propriedade , valor){
this[propriedade] = valor;
// PessoaFisicaModal
var PessoaFisica = function(rg , cpf){
this.rg = rg;
this.cpf = cpf;
PessoaFisica.prototype = {
getRg : function(){
return this.rg;
} ,
setRg : function(rg){
this.rg = rg;
} ,
getCpf : function(){
} ,
setCpf : function(cpf){
this.cpf = cpf;
} ,
__get : function(propriedade){
return this[propriedade];
} ,
__set : function(propriedade , valor){
this[propriedade] = valor;
in the above example, how would Pessoafisica inherit the properties and methods of Pessoamodal (Superclass) ?
I suggest you take a look at this link http://answall.com/questions/7220/este-%C3%A9-an-example-correct-de-heran%C3%A7a-in-javascript. There is how your question can be answered, or at least give a light to what you need
– Ricardo Lucas
jQuery does not give: http://answall.com/q/46983/101
– Maniero
Very good the suggested explanation, now I can use all my SUPERCLASSS methods for daughters. Congratulations @Ricardo Lucas.
– Douglas Dreer