Generic Dbcontext Dbset Method with Entity Framework


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I have an application in C# using Entity Framework.

All of mine DbSet of DbContext, I extend them to have a default search for the grid, below example of the method.

public static GridDTO GridPadrao(this DbSet<Cliente> entities, ParametrosGridDTO parametros, UsuarioLogadoDTO usuarioLogado) 
  // Código de busca

But to make the call I do as below, I have to put if for each DbSet.

else if (parametros.tipoPesquisa == "Cliente")
    return db.Cliente.GridPadrao(parametros, usuarioLogado);
else if (parametros.tipoPesquisa == "Filial")
    return db.Filial.GridPadrao(parametros, usuarioLogado);


Is there any way I can call GridPadrao generic form? No need to put if for each DbSet that exists in the DbContext.


public static GridDTO GridPadrao(this DbSet<Cliente> entities, ParametrosGridDTO parametros, UsuarioLogadoDTO usuarioLogado)
    return new GridDTO(
            .Where(w => w.Apagado == "N" && w.VisaoID == usuarioLogado.VisaoID)
            .Where(MontaWhere(parametros), parametros.filtro.ToLowerNull())
            .Select(s => new { s.ClienteID, Nome = s.Pessoa.Nome, CNPJCPF = s.Pessoa.CNPJCPF, Fixo = s.Fixo == "S" ? "Sim" : "Não" })
        entities.TotalDeRegistros(parametros, usuarioLogado)


public static GridDTO GridPadrao(this DbSet<Funcao> entities, ParametrosGridDTO parametros, UsuarioLogadoDTO usuarioLogado)
    var setorID = Convert.ToInt32(parametros.filtrofixo);

    return new GridDTO(
            .Where(w => w.SetorID == setorID && w.Apagado == "N" && w.VisaoID == usuarioLogado.VisaoID)
            .Where(MontaWhere(parametros), parametros.filtro.ToLowerNull())
            .Select(s => new { s.FuncaoID, s.Sigla, s.Descricao })
        entities.TotalDeRegistros(parametros, usuarioLogado)
  • The default grid method is set once for each entity, right? Can you post at least two of them? Because if they look alike, you can put it all together.

  • @jefersonb added two examples.

  • Yes, it won’t be able to unite everything. I thought about creating a contract between the entities, but interfaces do not allow the creation of static methods. Well, I need to go away for a few minutes, try to think of something when I get back.

1 answer


Is there any way I can call GridPadrao generic?

Yes. Using generic.

public static DbSetExtensions
    public static GridDTO GridPadrao<T>(this IDbSet<T> entities, ParametrosGridDTO parametros, UsuarioLogadoDTO usuarioLogado)
        where T: class
        // Código

The problem is that you used a number of strong typages there. Possibly the method will have to be redesigned integer to work generically.

  • And how do I get Dbset from a string? Besides, you would have to think of a way to have the fields of select, Where and order by, would that be possible? It would be a repository?

  • Why do you want to get the Dbset from a string? I think you’re complicating too much. A way would be to use Reflection + Attributes, but for sure this will get huge.

  • My idea was to stop having the if. But apparently it’s easier to leave it that way so it doesn’t get too complicated.

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